Know some awesome ingredients from your kitchen and stay fit and healthy.

I had read somewhere that "Life must be large! Not long!". If we are pragmatic and social then we sometimes do not live for ourselves but for those who love us so much. We care for people and in return we get very much love. When a relation become a given take relation, then the relationship becomes very special and sweet and the emotion associated with it becomes very special. So it becomes very important to keep yourself healthy.

All of you are very conscious about fitness. Today, fitness has become a career for people today. There are many such options available like yoga classes, gyms, personal trainers around the world. In this, people earn a lot of money, hence, it is going to prove a good job even now and in the coming days. In today's time all these classes have become a huge fitness and fashion hub. Old-fashioned people used to be more healthier than today's people, and then there were no yoga training centers even though life style was very healthy . the biggest reason behind this was that people used to do all their work themselves. Miles went on foot Then there were no cars, bikes, planes like today.

Life has become so fast and busy today that people want to finish their work in a quick and easy manner and this is why people are going to ignore their health. I have a sweet tooth. You would not believe I used to eat 7-8 chocolates in a day because I did not remember how much chocolates i eat in the middle of the work. When I realized this, then I thought about my health later, first calculated how much money I spent in a day eating chocolate. God was pleased that my weight did not rise and I did not have diabetes Because I used to stay in the office for the whole day and I used to eat sweet too.  I was not even doing any such exercise that would end the calories. I understood this thing from time to time and I also worked on it.

In today's times I eat sweet too, just reduce the quantity and walk more and more. I do most of my house work. It helps me a lot in weight control and also helps in working on belly fat. You must have seen that some body of some people is fine but belly fat is disturbed. belly fat is not a normal fat, but because of this, we have to face many problems.

There are diarrhea, abdominal pain in those everyday problems. I do not advise you just like any doctor because you will get them anywhere, I will tell you the home remedies that prove to be very effective in everyday diseases. For this you have no need to go to a doctor or not need many medicines. Just follow these tips at home for a few days and get yourself fit. The most important thing is to follow these tips for a few days without laziness. As far as repeating the talk, the doctor also talks to repeat the medicine. Why not make such medicines only in the house that can be made from the house kept in the house. It is beneficial, as well as people of any age can use it. Just someone has to work in the amount of quantity and someone has to use it in more quantity.

You have heard a lot about turmeric milk because turmeric is very important for our body, there is a lot of ingredients like Turmeric, which can make us healthy. here are some ingredients which are very beneficial for our health.

Ginger In Cough 

For years, my mother has given me ginger like medicine. Iron, calcium and chlorine are found in large amounts in ginger. Whenever I was suffer from cold and cough, my mother gave me ginger juice. What is the right way to drink it?

 People eat ginger only The good thing is that there is a habit of eating ginger, just use it in some different way. Take out a whole rubbed ginger and heat a pot and fry it in it. Then drink it. The taste of ginger is bitter so it is difficult to drink, so add little honey in it. It also works to increase flavor and is also good for health. This is a very easy and home-made recipe to cure coughs quickly. Drinking ginger juice also beneficial in heart-related diseases. it's just like "killing two birds with one stone".

Ginger keeps The heat in the body in winter. It can be used in many ways. Those who like tea, drink tea with ginger in. My mother used to crush ginger in curry because I always used to remove ginger and throw it. So she discovered a middle way and it worked. Use this home remedies once. This will make you healthier.

Grilled Tomato

Tomatoes are easy-to-eat vegetables in everyone's home. No vegetable curry is complete without tomato paste. Tomato is eaten as a salad and is also used in many ways. By eating tomatoes, the process of becoming a blood in the body keeps moving correctly. In this, vitamin A, B, C, lycopene, potassium are found in large quantities. Today it is being used in junk food. Its sour taste makes food more delicious.

people calls Roasted tomatoes very tasty in food. But the biggest benefit of eating roasted tomatoes is when it is eaten in a morning in empty stomach. Roasted tomatoes have great benefit in constipation. Always having pain in the stomach is a very serious problem. In such a roasted tomato is very useful.

As beauty material, it has started to be used. There is so much to make this little fruit special. Even after roasting tomatoes, the element present in it does not end. You can do it anyway like it. Children also eat it with love. if you offer children any junk food they will love to have it with tomatoes .

Children like to eat spicy, but when we tell them to eat salad they try to ignore us. In such cases parents scolds children, but this is not a solution of this problem. As long as they do not eat food with a happy heart and heart, they do not benefit gain that benefit for their body. So find a mid way that you can feed all the vegetables to children and not even scold.

Panacea Clove

Very popular spice which is easily found in everyone's kitchen. It is used in tea formation, boiled in milk, in curry making, eat like dry fruits in many ways you can use clove. I like clove very much Its taste tarnishes the tongue. You will not understand any other taste for some time after eating it. It is so tasty that the sweet and sour taste insipid in front of it. Despite being extremely acrid in taste, people like to eat it in abundance and lots of love.

What makes it special? Unlimited advantages found in clove. I have heard a lot from grandmother how to use it, where you can use it and what its benefits are. Whenever I suffer from cough problem I always used to eat one or two cloves and I get myself very comfortable from cough in 10 seconds. This is my adopted home recipe. Once you use it, you will begin to see its benefits from the first day.

Cough, colds, gout, throat infections, or if there is any respiratory disorder, then it also ends. It also benefits a lot in toothache. Whenever we eat sour, then there is a lot of pain and swelling in the throat after some time, which is called tonsil. This causes very pain in the throat. At the same time, the person does not eat anything properly for a few days. In this, consuming roasted cloves gives a lot of relief in pain. Clove nature is considered to be hot therefore, it consumes more in winter.

Magical Herb Garlic

Due to the abundant use of Indian kitchen you will find it easily. Its fragrance is congenital. And whenever you cook it in the food it will make its taste easily feel to you. However some communities in India do not use garlic. A great example of this is Jainism. The use of garlic in this religion is taboo. Regardless, cooking with garlic in its many big cities is common practice.

I did a lot of garlic massages in my childhood. My mother hardly think that garlic is very beneficial in the cold. Whenever my health was bad due to cold, she gave me garlic massages on chests and backs. How to use it now? It is just so much to take some buds of garlic and cut it into small pieces. Then cook it in mustard oil until it gets completely black. By garlic being black, I mean garlic extract should be left in oil. Then massage it only after it gets little bit hot. One night after your massage you will feel very light in the next morning. Your half-cold may have ended. This is completely home-made and my own recipe.

Nature gives us valuable medicines. There are many unsurpassed medicines around us that we can cure our half-deadly illnesses by sitting at home. For this, there will be no need to go to a doctor and no need to eat many costly medicines. If you follow a fit diet and regular routine then you will not need any doctor.

While ending this post, I would hope that with all the prescriptions i have given you, you should live a happy and healthy life.

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